Category Archives: magic

Orzhov Gloves!


I’m clearly more than a few days behind — but last night I finished up Shamiq’s kinda-late-non-denominational-holiday gift! Woo. Except now he plays burn.

The glove pattern is adapted from Fightin Words, which I followed to make myself a pair of gloves. My one (big) mistake is that the thumb seams aren’t contrasting — it’s white on both gloves. Oh well.


With lots of help from Shamiq, I finished my modern deck earlier this week. My friends! ❤

We went to play at Endgame last night, where I finished 3-0 (one bye). Apparently the first female to do so, and the first to do so with a Sliver deck.

Theros Sealed

Went 1-2, played blue/green, then swapped to blue/red my third round.

I think I did okay, but I sometimes forgot to use abilities like Thassa’s “target creature can’t be blocked”. :/