Tag Archives: pizza

Kumquat Cheese Pizza

Kumquat Cheese Pizza

Why do pizzas have to be cut into equal slices?

Conclusion: Kumquats and cheese don’t go well with an herb crust. Also don’t go particularly well with mild flavored cheese. Maybe with a blue?

Boot and Shoe Service Brunch

I’ve wanted to try Boot and Shoe Service for a couple years now, but they don’t take reservations and I’m not that dedicated to my quest for pizza, so I never made it. This weekend, my parents wanted to pick up some kougin aman from Starter Bakery at the farmers market and we happened to park outside Boot and Shoe and I finally got to try it!

potato, trugole, black olives, rosemary & an egg........ 17

cotechino hash with a fried egg................................. 14

trippa alla milanese from the wood oven with cannellini beans,
croutons, grana, fried sage & an egg............................ 14

Each dish seemed a bit expensive, but ~$50 for brunch for three isn’t bad… and it was very filling and satisfying. The pizza was thin, chewy and the toppings interesting and flavorful. The hash was a bit potato heavy, but the pork sausage was tasty and caramelized in all the right ways. The tripe was tender, well seasoned and interesting with the addition of sage and croutons. Between the tripe here and the tripe at Corso, I think Italian-style-tomato-sauce tripe is next up on my things to learn how to cook. I’m not even sure what to Google though.

The Forge, Oakland


I love pizza. And The Forge is a great place to acquire pizza. I went the opening weekend (over a month ago. Man, I’m behind) and it was crazy busy, but it seems to have calmed down some. I tried the fried cheese curds (absolutely delicious!), the potato skins (nothing special) and a pizza. In particular, I had a pizza of nettles and potatoes, it was everything I want in a pizza — a chewy but flavorful crust complemented by interesting toppings. Pizzaiolo and Delfina Pizzeria both tend to have long waits and lines, so I’m excited to have a tasty alternative.


I am excited. And silly.